There is something about mini / individual desserts that make the process of making it much more pleasant. Take for instance these little Banana Coconut and Honey Cream Tarts. The idea of making these little tart shells to me is something that doesnt really seem worth my time, but once I see this cute image (made with mini bananas no less!) my mind is changed. I also love a lighter cream filling in the summer, and I think this is a super great alternative to something like strawberry shortcake, if you’re not in a strawberry type of mood. I’m a big fan of banana anything, so this is a new fav dessert recipe for me. I hope you guys like it too.♥


- Preheat oven to 400˚F.
- Line 8 mini tart pans with pie dough and score the bottom of each with a fork.
- Place tart pans onto a sheet pan and bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until tart shells are golden brown.
- Remove from oven and cool for about 20 minutes before removing from molds and continuing to cool on cooling racks.
- Filling: Pour sugar, honey, cornstarch, salt, and milk into a saucepan and whisk together.
- Place saucepan over medium-low heat and cook mixture, stirring frequently, until mixture simmers. Whisk 1 cup of the scalding milk mixture into the egg yolks, then pour the mixture back into the saucepan.
- Continue to cook the mixture over medium-low heat, constantly stirring, until the pudding is thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon.
- Remove from heat, place over an ice bath and stir in butter and vanilla.
- Once pudding has cooled down, whip the heavy cream until medium peaks form and fold into the pudding.
- Press 1 teaspoon of turbinado sugar evenly over the cut-side of each baby banana half. Using a brulee torch, gently brulee the sugar atop each banana half until fully caramelized and a hard shell forms.
- To assemble: Fill each tart shell with honey-cream and top each with a bruleed baby banana half. Finish each tar.t with a sprinkle of toasted coconut flakes and a drizzle of honey. Serve.
Recipe from Teri Lyn Fisher.