Caramel Banana Upside-Down Cake

Since we’re talking about bananas and caramel today, I hope you realize just how good this cake is!
You know the traditional pineapple upside-down cake, right? I’ve basically replaced the fruit for a whole new flavor! Goodbye pineapple, hello banana! It’s not that I don’t love pineapples, because I basically love all food, but I really, REALLY love bananas – especially when they’re combined with caramel.
When making this cake with pineapple, it always looks beautiful and impressive. Unfortunately, bananas prove harder to make quite as attractive. For this reason, I chose to bake this cake in a loaf pan. I’ve found that if you cut the bananas in half lengthwise, then cut each half into 2-3 pieces widthwise, it looks perfect and symmetrical. This cake requires three simple steps. First, you need to make the caramel by combining butter and brown sugar in a saucepan and simmering for 3 minutes. Next, cut the bananas and place them upside-down in the pan, like this:

The last step is to make the cake batter. I like to use sour cream for a slight tanginess in sweet cakes, and this cake is sweet 😉 Pour the batter gently over the bananas and caramel, and smooth the top. While baking, the caramel will thicken and become sticky.
Let the cake cool for five minutes before inverting it onto a plate. If you wait too long, the caramel will stick to the pan, and if you invert it right away, the caramel will be too hot and the whole thing will become one big mess. 5 minutes seems to be the magic number. The caramel might drizzle down the sides of the cake, and… Oh boy, I’m getting hungry! Good thing I have Nutella muffins baking in my oven right now. And no, I don’t have any more leftovers from this banana cake. Do you really think it would stay around for so long?

Banana Topping:


Recipe by Stephanie.