Orange Rosemary Roasted Chicken Thighs

These Orange Rosemary Roasted Chicken Thighs are roasted in a flavorful citrus and herb marinade that turns into a wonderful glaze.
What I l♥ve about the Christmas season? It’s BUSY! There are tons of parties, relatives are coming home from abroad, there’s a lot of fetching from airports, lots of lunches, lots of dinners, lots of coffees. There’s lots of work, laundry, and food — makes it so hard to lose weight…*sniff*. There are a gazillion of birthdays (including mine)! What I don’t like about it? It’s BUUUSSY! Schedule is hectic and you really have to plan around. I haven’t done my Christmas shopping! Traffic is horrendous. That 30 minute ride to the mall now takes 2 hours. There’s lots of work, laundry, and food — makes it so hard to lose weight…*sniff*. I’m not a grinch, of course, and I am enjoying — basking, even — in the busiest, most wonderful time of the year.


- Combine olive oil, rosemary, minced garlic, soy sauce, 2 tbsp sugar, salt and pepper and the juice of one orange. Mix well.
- Marinate chicken pieces in the mixture for half a day or overnight.
- Roast chicken in an oven at 220ºC for 20 minutes. Then reduce temperature to 190ºC and continue roasting for 15 – 20 more minutes or until chicken is brown.
- Baste chicken with leftover marinade from time to time.
- Add orange slices and continue baking for 5 minutes until the fruit caramelizes.
- Serve with brown rice.
Recipe from Peachy Kitchen.