Spicy Gingered Mango Margarita

Hey, Hi, and welcome back to cocktail Saturday! Just jumping in for a quick read today. I am SO very exited to be sharing this margarita. Hands down it’s my favorite margarita I have ever made. But that’s probably because it is full of all of my favorite foods: mango, ginger, lime, and jalapeño. It’s perfection in so many ways, so of course, it’s perfect for tonight, tomorrow, and really any time from here on out. My cousin Abby is constantly reminding me that her favorite drink to order in San Diego (where she lives) is a spicy margarita. With her birthday coming up next week, and Cinco de Mayo in a couple of weeks, I knew it was time to share this fresh new margarita recipe. I have made a spicy margarita before, but I’m loving this gingery mango version so very much (again, I love mango – and I love ginger). It’s a simple mix of fresh mango juice, mango chunks, ginger, jalapeño, tequila, and lots of lime. I don’t like to add any sugar, as I find that the mango really adds enough sweetness on its own. Plus, I think sugary cocktails are no bueno. No one needs a sugar hangover come Sunday morning, you know? Trust me, I am only looking out for you guys here, you don’t want the extra sugar. Anyway, I top my margs off with a splash of sparkling water, because I love a little sparkly action with most of my drinks. Then garnish with some fresh limes and jalapeños, and you’ll have the prettiest, most refreshing…and certainly the most delicious, margarita. If you’re looking for a fast and easy drink, this is it. It’s sweet, spicy, and all things good in life.

I think your weekend really needs it.
PS. I get a lot of questions about making drinks alcohol free and it’s so simple to do. Simply omit the alcohol, add a splash more citrus, and a splash or two of sparkling water. Simple as that.


Recipe from Half Baked Harvest.